30 Things In 28 Days

All the while I thought I was gonna sing "Wake me up when February ends."
But hey, notwithstanding the eye bags and stuff, this wasn't a bad month after all.

We know for a fact life isn’t perfect. I found that as an understatement when I woke up to February. I fervently wished it was possible to sleep all the way until the 1st of March just to get away from it all. Living life wasn’t this month’s theme, really, as it was more of food poisoning, dealing with a few rude students, displacement, and a large percentage of my plans crumbling down. But I did my own data triangulation and according to my little black gratitude notebook, I had many things to be happy about this February. Much to my surprise. So here goes.

- getting a tax refund from the government
- the cold weather that legitimizes my donning long cardigans, blazers and jackets
- my students making me inevitably laugh out loud at the expense of Jake Cuenca
- bonding with mom over a trip to Samal’s vanishing island
- getting a kiss and a hug from Bozo. The little guy is simply adorable.
- celebrating Eizel’s birthday with Reine and Bozo.We decided not to take pictures to prevent any potential paranoia outside us.
- peanut butter sandwich for breakfast
- dusting off my keyboards. That’s a sign I’m rekindling my love for playing it.
- Enna sharing her secret love life to me. ‘Enna’ and ‘love life’ in one sentence IS possible.
- trinket shopping & gift wrapping for all my friends celebrating their birthdays this month
- rediscovering U2
- patching up things with Mikay
- affixing my signature on my resignation letter. Enough said.
- James Franco, 127 Hours, James Franco and James Franco
- updating Krong about my plans and vice versa, from Pancake House to Ice Giants
- finding the perfect corporate dress with my last money
- the perfect black pumps for less than a hundred bucks. They don’t say “You have a PhD in thrift shopping” for nothing.
- a not-so-ordinary V-day
- our newly renovated bathroom. You should meet our awesome neighborhood carpenter.
- donuts, donuts and lots of donuts. Note to self: this shouldn’t be on the list next month.
- seeing the workshop outputs of my SSP 7 Hitchhikers Guide to Mindanao students. That exact moment, I was proud to be a teacher.
- realizing that despite the population of airheads, there really are notable yet modest students in my classes
- bumping into best friend Suey of sueysuper.blogspot.com after an interview I wasn’t so sure I rocked. And getting a hug from her.
- Dinners with significant people in my life: Ate We, my favorite cousin Elle, my dearest Ate Che and Kuya Alvin
- conversations with Lozi of lozibalasi.blogspot.com. I wish she had been my student in my other subjects.
- thrift shopping the whole afternoon away with my professor turned colleague turned happy buddy Shang, and ending the night right at a classic ice cream parlor.
- this white long sleeved button down handed down by mom and how it matches my denim cut-offs and my new havaianas
- realizing all over again why Grilled Cheesus is a psychic sister (that is more than a best friend) to me.
- discovering the wonders of Magnolia’s caramel cheesecake ice cream. Finally, my family knows another ice cream flavor than coffee crumble.
- the 24th of February that marks 2 years of companionship with the love of my life


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