Return to Writing

You will always remember the last time you wrote for yourself.

Since June of last year, writing had become my preoccupation. I saved up for school allowance by writing articles - long and short, from IPO to music festivals to client profiles, basically anything I was told to write about. To get through first semester, my nights were spent in front of my then cooperative-and-still-functional laptop, switching tabs from term paper to readings and SPSS. And as the year drew to a close, I earned another writing stint – this time for a bank – which requires an affinity for banking language and financial highlights. 

But nothing compares to that kick you get when you write for yourself, except that one time, of course, when Ted Torres tells you “very good” for a write up on quarterly figures.

I remember it was on an old notebook, after a poignant conversation with a friend from across the globe sometime in August. I remember being so overwhelmed with gratitude. I remember writing about grace.

And then, I stopped writing for myself. Just like that.

Today feels like a great day to start the chronicles again, not because there’s another surge of gratitude, or the absence of it. In this day and age of humble bragging and flooding people’s walls with unnecessary updates, I believe (after being told a million times) that I owe my friends the decency of sharing at least two kind of things: those that transpire in my daily life that are worthy of writing, and once in a while, those that make them re-think why we remain to be friends.

This goes to say I will be writing personal stories again. Corporate tone, banking and finance topics, series of edits, approval for press release – nope, none of that here.

This is writing for myself.

P.S. There’s a new cat doing the Guest Pawst. My family loves him to bits. You’ll like him too, I swear.


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