Lab School

We all have a certain set of friends we feel most comfortable with, regardless of rank, status, preferences, IQ, religion, political views, educational background, musical influences, literary heroes, weight and taste and other categories this crazy world could ever come up with.
I met mine in 1999. Some of them aren't in the photos, however. I hope I get to brag about them too as soon as they could join the next weekend getaway. The girl in white is Julie, and together, we had the longest talks about high school love life or the lack and failure thereof.
I think all of us have literally baby crawled every inch of USEP, begged the Kuyas and Ates in the engineering building to buy our goodies so we can finally submit reports for Entrepreneurship class, hiked around Davao in dirty denims, white tshirts, leather shoes and wooden rifles, solved a lot of Algebra, Analytic Geometry, Calculus, Trigonometry, Statistics and Physics and ate every kind of street food the Obrero vendors sold.
Fights are things I don't remember about high school. As teenagers enrolled in a laboratory school under a state university, our time were spent either studying or draining out classrooms. Why? Because primarily, our campus is situated in Obrero (ever heard University of Swimming Pool?) and also, the government couldn't provide our school for maintenance. So we had to clean it all by ourselves. I have never tried draining classrooms in grade school, but with these guys, limas seemed to be the most fulfilling thing on earth, especially if it's an excuse for us not to meet the Calculus prof.
This is a totally awkward photo of me, and unfortunately, this is the only photo which shows my summer colored nails. Top from Bayo, cocktail ring from cousin, necklace from SM department store, white leather watch from Swatch.
Lab Story. We're rooting for Julie and Krong. For those who know these guys, they are an unimaginable pair. I don't know what crossed their minds, but these two made a pact to marry each other when they reach 30. And because I am to be a wedding planner according to the Class Prophecy, I have jotted down several ideas for the ceremony six years from now. (Did I mention I wrote the Class Prophecy myself?)

Along with six friends from high school, I started summer with a bang.
Track 2: The Dog Days Are Over by Florence + The Machine
Photos taken by Gabby and Julie 


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